Account Funding

You may fund your account by sending a wire to APEX CLEARING CORPORATION. To do so, please use the following wire instructions:

Wire Instructions:

Address: Citibank, N.A. (New York Branch)
 Wall St., New York, NY, United States
Swift Code: CITI US 33
ABA Number: 021000089
Bank Account Name: Interactive Brokers, LLC
Bank Account Number: 40806826+Your Account Number
 (Example: 40806826U1131234)
For Further Benefit To: Account Name & Account Number

You may also fund your account through an account transfer. For details on all account funding options, please see Funding & Transfers.

Our Mission

QuantRiver Financial is a brokerage boutique bringing an advanced technological edge to institutional clients across the globe. Through it’s clearing firm Interacrive Brokers QuantRiver Financial facilitates:

Access to global markets
Automatic intelligent portfolio trading
Algorithmic and black box trading
Instantaneous automatic    management of multiple accounts
Risk management

Our technology solutions, combined with high-quality service, enable institutions to realize efficient execution and improved cost control.